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Vang Vieng

Vang Vieng

Vang Vieng
Vang ViengMar 15, 2012Photos: 28

Click on text Vang Vieng above to see more pictures

We arrived the next day in Vang Vieng, is it backpacker central and one of the most fun crazy towns I have seen. By day you go tubing down the river with bars lined up on the sides, and as you are tubing past them, they throw out these ropes to pull you on shore and have some drinks. They don’t drink in cups; they drink in pails of alcohol, cheaper than a bottle of water in Poland Spring. The alcohol is a form of moonshine, and you are drunk from the first sip, and plastered by the first game of musical tubes. The guys and girls are all young from all over the world, some are drunk for weeks straight, and some are nursing a hangover from the full moon parties, down in the south, by drinking pails of gin and tonic. The night parties are on something called Party Island, and they are basically continuations of the parties by day, with more pails, more impairment, less inhibition, less light, and more of a chance of being less than pleased about who you go home with. Next stop Cambodia.

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